Sony’s New Subtitle Glasses Help Hard of Hearing Moviegoers

The Hearing Professionals

I love going to the movies. I mean, who doesn’t? But if you’re hard of hearing or wear hearing aids, a trip to the movies can be frustrating. Not many theaters screen movies with closed captions, since most people without hearing problems would rather not see them. The only option is to wear an amplified headset (if the theater provides them) or to keep asking your friend, “What did he say?”sony-closed-caption-glasses

Fortunately, Sony is now outfitting certain theaters with its new Entertainment Access Glasses, which can display captions right in front of the wearer’s eyes that no one else can see.

The lightweight glasses are fitted with small projectors on each side that display green text as an overlay that seems to float in front of the big screen. That way, viewers can see a perfectly clear caption no matter how or where they sit in the theater. Users can…

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